Our school
Ermington West Public School is a small school with big ideas and enormous dreams for our students. The school currently has an enrolment of 153 students, with 56% from a non-English speaking background. Families and teachers work collaboratively to ensure school is a safe, inclusive and fun place to be.
Ermington West Public School teachers are focused on building a collective capacity. Our teachers are committed professionals who place student learning and equity at the centre of all professional learning and practice. Our teachers are the lead learners of the school.
The parents and families of Ermington West Public School are partners in learning. The community is actively involved in key aspects of decision making and are valued contributors to many facets of school life. Our community is passionate about the provision of quality student learning experiences and are an integral aspect of our school culture.
Our students are the leaders of the future. They initiate, organise and lead programs; mentor younger students in literacy and numeracy; engage in inquiry based, collaborative learning; create their own learning opportunities; and regularly engage with the wider community
School song
Words and music by Mr. Michael Yates, Teacher.
Verse 1
When kids from schools around us are waking every day
Some wander round, some settle down and watch the old TV
But take a look at all of us, we've better things to do
We're out of bed and on the road, we're full of energy.
Because at Ermington West we strive the best (clap, clap)
We know we've got a job to do and do it we will (clap, clap)
At Ermington West (clap, clap) I strive my best (clap, clap)
We'll succeed as we try, ‘cause we will never say die!!' (clap, clap)
Verse 2
And when we're with our class and looking forward to the day,
We'll settle down and listen as our teacher points the way.
It may be maths it may be dance it's really all the same,
There's no such thing as standing still, we're here to play the game!